Sharon Runner Demands Transparency from Corrections Department

SACRAMENTO – Senator Sharon Runner (R-Lancaster) has called upon the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to provide insight into its decision to terminate enforcement of the uniform sex offender residency restrictions under Jessica’s Law.

“I was alarmed by CDCR’s sweeping decision to stop enforcing the people’s will as expressed in Jessica’s Law,” said Runner. “The residency restrictions in Jessica’s Law provide important peace of mind for California’s families.” Full Article

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Sharon Runner Demands Transparency from Corrections Department

“As an author of Jessica’s Law, I continue to stand behind the package of reforms that have made California’s communities safer,” said Runner.

It would appear that she has continued to ignore the studies and research that have concluded that residency restrictions do not provide any measure of public safety, especially aimed at protecting children. We have constructed many safeguards to insure that children are safe in their classrooms from registrants, yet any given day you can ‘Google’ “Teacher Molested Student” to find out how well these policies are working against child sexual abuse. It’s the same thing with public parks and little league coaches, Churches and priests, cops and explorer scouts. The threat has already infiltrated these sanctuaries and yet we get blindsided every time. It’s insane. It’s time to start educating children how to deal with situations that make them feel uncomfortable in their environments and pay closer attention to the real threats.
70% of voters approved Jessica’s law. Well, yes, but 100% of the California Supreme Court Judges voted it unconstitutional as applied in cases where registrants were left with no place to live. I Guess Sharon didn’t read the CDCR statement thoroughly in that it still leaves discretion to parole agents on who to apply the residency restrictions to, instead of blanket coverage to all registrants including those whose offense had nothing to do with children and no contact.

She is an exposed demagogue and now is professing to know more than the collective experience and research of those who do this for a living.

We citizens of the state demand truth and integrity from Legislators!

Transparency?! It’s time for the voters of this nation to start demanding transparency from elected officials like Runner!! These vote-pandering politicians continue to promulgate unconstitutional and fallacy-based laws that enact endless punishment of RCs and cost millions in tax-payer dollars, all while doing nothing to increase anyone’s safety.

I wonder why everyone is being so polite as not to mention that the Runners used a fabricated research study (never happened) to quote the statistics that persuaded voters to pass their initiative. It sickens me that this woman is now a state Congresswoman.

Of course she is upset, she and hubby got slammed and made to look like the idiots they are, not she is flailing her arms and making a lot of noise, furthering the evidence of their stupity

” Senator Sharon Runner (R-Lancaster) has called upon the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to provide insight into its decision to terminate enforcement of the uniform sex offender residency restrictions under Jessica’s Law.”

Oh yea? I think Sharon Runner needs to provide insight into her reasons for being so “alarmed” with CDCRs decision. I also think Sharon Runner and her kind need to wake up to the fact that not everyone believes what she believes and most people have their own opinions (people seem to be waking up to the truth and the facts).

With the pendulum swinging in our favor I would advise everyone forced to register as a “sex offender” (even the ones who’s “crime” had nothing to do with “sex”) to prepare themselves for the inevitable avalanche of “frothy emotional appeals” from people like Sharon Runner and others who’s main claim to fame is getting unconstitutional laws passed and have built a major portion of their careers by totally disregarding the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

(I am getting a really heartwarming satisfaction knowing that the truth finally seems to be coming out into the light and people like Sharon Runner are feeling threatened by this) 🙂

if you have time you can contact Runner at the link below

While you’re ‘demanding transparency’ chairnsummer how bout demanding transparency to the right of a fair public trial…..let the public know you are a fair honest public servant and demand orange county answer why they didn’t correct a trial record..why a backhall conference after prosecution witness accuser confirms defendant’s innocence and accuser’s motive ………the demand here ms. runner is prove your position of transparency and open orange county to answer that incident.

I would submit that the multitude of studies, statistics, constitutional violations, etc. etc. is not only transparent, but invisibly clear.

“The Rule of Law

The law that your Department seeks to preemptively repeal was approved by the more than 70% of California voters who supported Jessica’s Law (Proposition 83, 2006)….”

Ummmm….Someone needs to break it to Mrs. Runner that EVEN THE LAW must abide by THE RULE OF LAW.

Ms. Runner is a serial political predator and she should be subjected to lifetime registration for being a chronic liar and predator. She should not be allowed within 2000 feet of her constituents.

Is it just me, or is this bill attempting to permit local governments to act with no regard to the Supreme Court ruling from last month? It would enable cities to make these ordinances, leading only to further law suits. It’s time for the CA Supreme Court to clarify their opinion from March. This is just going in circles now, just as this type of politician prefers. #slowclap

have the CDCR response yet?

In other words. Welcome back home!!